
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Calling all girls

I find myself torn. I have always naturally tended to be a hermit. I am very happy sitting at home with my 3 little people day in and day out, I don't need anyone else. They make me happy gosh darn it.
Then I see highshcool friends, you know the ones. The girls that have been best friends since freshman year, and they still are. The whole circle of girl friends thing has always escaped me. In highschool I always had a guy, not girls. But I want girls! I want that group of ladies that sticks with you through thick and thin. The ladies that you get all dressed up and go out for fancy froo-froo drinks and dinner.
Part of the struggle is that it is hard to co-ordinate those nights when your "ladies" have kids too. Or if they don't, staying relevant with them when you are changing diapers and they are changing their wardrobes.
Now for my buddies reading this thinking "but I thought we were friends...." please don't be hurt or mystified. I guess this is my oficial notice to you that I am tired of being a hermit. I want to travel through this thing called life with a group of women to encourage, love, and laugh with. So get ready, you're phones are about to start ringing :)


  1. uhh... i'll only be offended by this if my phone doesn't start ringing. i like your new layout! ;)

  2. Hopefully I call you and not Kay!
