
Girl gets Boy...

This is the story of how a Girl met a handsome, blonde, tan, surfer-esque Boy:

One day, Girl went to math class. Seeing as how it was late in the evening and it was only going to be old people anyway, Girl left cheerleading practice without showering.

Stinky, sweaty, and wearing super unflattering clothing; Girl walked into class 10 minutes late.

Scanning the seats she thinks, "Yup, old peop...***Heart thumps a billion times*** Who is THAT?! There isn't supoosed to be anyone my age in this class!!"

Diving into the first avaialabe seat Girl curses the day sweat-pants and cheerleading were invented.

~~Fast Forward to the next class~~

Girl arrives to class one hour early. Looking fine and smelling good (if she does say so herself) her dubious plan is to sit in the seat exactly next to where Boy sat last week. With any luck there will not be any connection made between her and the frump up front from last week.

Much twiddling of thumbs and fluffing of hair ensues.

Finally! Boy comes walking through the door! He looks just as yummy as last week (as Girl and every other female in the class ALL agree). Boy scans the room, then saunters to the back.

Victory! Now what to say...

Boy smiles at Girl and says, "Hey, I'm Ricky."

And with that fate was sealed. 1 failed math class and a year and a half late Boy asked on bended knee, "Hey, will you marry me?"