
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

B-e-a-u-tiful Summer

Dare I say it? Summer has arrived for a few days at least. As soon as my eyes peeped open yesterday I was in a good mood. SUN! So I went and ripped the kiddies out of bed, tossed them in some shorts, and kicked them on to the patio. It was lovely. Even just our plain old cereal breakfast seemed better than normal.
i was spectacularly proud of myself; Our normal morning routine involves the kids vegging to cartons while I attempt to wake up on the right side of the bed (which takes awhile). So the fact that the tv didn't make an appearance until late afternoon when I desperatly needed a shower was a victory in my book.
I have been waiting like a kid counting down the days to christmas for our grass to grow. Let me tell you, a year and a half of a 1/4 acre of mud makes for one psychotic, dirt hating mama! Yesterday was the first day I actuall turned the babies loose on the beautiful, emerald green lawn! AAaahhh, satisfaction. Thank you to Mr. Craig Halstrom and Ricky (my super-men) for putting in so many drops of sweat and hours to make our mud bowl a back yard.
On a completly different note: I am pleasantly surprised by my self pedicure skills. In an effort to save money I have put the kaibosh on my much coveted bi-monthly pedicures. Seriously, I thought it was going to kill me. But it turns out you can do a pretty good job at home too! Now if only I could get Ricky to rub my feet...

Enjoy the sunshine girlfriends, we earned it this winter!

Ps: I have an urge to host a super frilly, garden tea party like girls party. Summer dresses, table lines and all. Any takers?

Friday, June 25, 2010

miley you make me cry.

Before the arrival of my two beautiful babies I was never much affected by "that time of the month". In fact i usially breezed right through no worse for the wear emotionally or physically.
They must have done something. Chemical imbalance, hormonal imbalance, let's face it, they just flat out imbalanced ME.
I really do feel sorry for my husband. The fact that I didnt "get all psycho on him" once a month was in fact one of my biggest selling points in his eyes. Those days are indeed gone, and I think he is a little mystified. If I had always been like this, he would just be used to it by now. But oh no, he is dealing with an entirely new breed of monster. (woman? MONSTER)
And to be perfectly honest i didnt know what the heck was wrong with me either!
Enter Miley Cyrus. This morning as I'm doing dishes, tripping on kids, cleaning up the trail of water bowl drool from the dog and TRYING to get ready for work, miley comes on the radio.
(Instant waterworks) that's right Miley, you go girl! Climb that mountain, I got your back.
What the heck? Seriously Hannah? Miley Cyrus? Get a grip of....oh yeah. (light bulb) its either that time again, or I'm losing it.
So here's to all my imbalanced sisters. keep climbing ladies, keep climbing.

It's always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes your gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't aboit what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
(apologies to all true Miley fans, I really have no idea what the lyrics are.)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Calling all girls

I find myself torn. I have always naturally tended to be a hermit. I am very happy sitting at home with my 3 little people day in and day out, I don't need anyone else. They make me happy gosh darn it.
Then I see highshcool friends, you know the ones. The girls that have been best friends since freshman year, and they still are. The whole circle of girl friends thing has always escaped me. In highschool I always had a guy, not girls. But I want girls! I want that group of ladies that sticks with you through thick and thin. The ladies that you get all dressed up and go out for fancy froo-froo drinks and dinner.
Part of the struggle is that it is hard to co-ordinate those nights when your "ladies" have kids too. Or if they don't, staying relevant with them when you are changing diapers and they are changing their wardrobes.
Now for my buddies reading this thinking "but I thought we were friends...." please don't be hurt or mystified. I guess this is my oficial notice to you that I am tired of being a hermit. I want to travel through this thing called life with a group of women to encourage, love, and laugh with. So get ready, you're phones are about to start ringing :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hello friends and family (and everything in between). Rest assured, I have not forgotten you! My blogging wheels just seem to be turning a bit slowly these days. Perhaps because the rest of my life has gone in to super over drive?
Here are the highlights:
One giant tree goes down
New job: SweetSpot!
Big kid beds (tear)
Over night potty training (definitly interfering with my beauty sleep)
No potty training whatsoever for the boy
A dog thrown in for good measure
Said dog having 2 weeks of intestinal "issues" (sigh)
Lots of fun in the ever so more often appeaing sun.

Stay tuned for more, someday I will be back :)

"I'll open up and and be your parachute
I'll never let you down
So open up and be my human angel
And we'll only hit the ground,