
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

No thanks, I got it.

Trust. Allowing someone else to be in cotrol. Relaxing. Not my strong points! I am much happier doing it all myself because then I KNOW things will work and everything will go to plan. And once I get things running smoothly don't you DARE suggest a change or express dissatisfaction. Because I will explode, most likely taking you out in the fireball of fury.
Problem: I am human. I don't know all and see all like I sometimes wish I could. I HAVE to trust God that he has it all in is hands and works all things together for his Glory. I misunderstand that verse on puprose a lot of times. His Glory can only come from the good, right? So wrong! Glory is more brilliant shining from the dark than from the sunshine of easy days.
Letting Ricky take the lead on things is SO hard for me. Suffice is to say that our views on financial issues and methods are so polar opposite that compromise can be excruciating to reach. If I really want to I can steam roll him, which is so wrong! There is no blessing or covering from God in that. I have to remind myself constantly that even if Ricky makes the wrond decision God will protect us if I am honoring my husband. Life is a learning process. My head knows what I should do, but my anxiety level screams "NO NO NO!!!! What is he DOING?"
So, stupid Hannah is tryng to cash in on the doulbe promise and blessing. Trust God: He knows, and he works it to his Glory (which will go good for me in the end. Trust the man I love: Right or wrong God will honor my obedience.

On a completly side note: Th rain that is sprinkling agains my window right now just makes the world seem oh so much better. Have a lovely day friends, He is working it out for the good of those who love him :)


  1. Hannah! I'm a follower and love your perspective! Looking forward to reading more! You can find us at www.beesonbeat.blogspot.com

  2. Thank you! I don't know if it is perspective quite yet. It still feels like the school of hard knocks :)
    You have no idea how encouraging your blog is.I really enjoy it. I'm so excited for you guys as you start your adventure! I'll be praying for you that the transition goes smoothly and the journey is the start of an amazing new chapter in what God has for you and Aaron.
