
Sunday, April 18, 2010

God is kinda cool

Well, He did it. My year of worrying, stressing, ranting and raving boiled down to a whirlwind week and a half of answered prayers and solutions!
I love that God's ways are SO not my ways. I was reading in Psalms the other day and it was talking about how when God brought the Isrealites through the Red Sea, HE was the only one that knew there was a road there! No one had any idea when they were crying out to him to save them from the Egyptians that he would part the waters and lead them down the middle. Sure, they may have expected something spectacular, but I am pretty positive there was not a single person who could have even imagined what he had in mind. And that God, is MY God.
Granted, my situation wasn't quite so dire as being chased to the edge of an ocean by people wanting to kill me. But my mind marvels over how He is so faithful and able to bring all of the loose ends together in such a way that nothing is left to be done. The best part is that none of the things that happened were our doing. We would have gone 180 degrees the other direction, but he saw perfection in all of the pieces.
How can I be anything other than grateful? How can I not stand in awe of the majesty that is my God? When I had given up my final hope, cried my final tear and prepared for disaster...he swept in at the eleventh hour and layed it all out before me. Car? Sold. House? Rented. Past due payments on the Condo? Taken care of. Dead washing maching? Money for a new one. And one super extra exciting tid-bit that I had given up on (can't give details yet): He just went ahead and threw it in for kicks and giggles.
Wow, even writing this I am still reeling over all he has done for us in the past 2 weeks.
Take heart my dear, dear friends. He sees you, He knows you, He has you right in the palm of his hand. His ways are NOT your ways, and for that we should be ever so grateful.

"I've seen enough to know
That you're my only hope
I don't want to go
If you're not with me

And I will not be afraid
I will not be afraid
Cus you are with me...."

"My hiding place
My safe refuge
My treasure Lord you are
My friend and King
Annointed one
Most Holy...."


  1. thank you for the excellent reminder that god knows what he is doing. why do i still spend so much time doubting, when really i should just marvel in the beauty that is my life and hold on tight for the ride.

  2. So so so proud of you and Ricky for waiting on God and doing what he asked of you. You guys are awesome!

    Did you write this song my beautiful girl?

    I U babygirl :)

  3. What a great post! I love how much God cares about all of the details in our lives. Love you!

  4. oh no my dear mama. Just a couple of good ones from church!
    Don't worry Carey, 90% of the reason I am writing all of this stuff down is because by next week I will have forgotten and be stressed out about something stupid again :)

  5. Maybe you should print it out and staple it to your forehead ;)

