
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Blessed, not stressed

Recently I have decided that the old adage "Life is what you make of it" holds more truth than I sometimes like to admit. Anyone who knows me, knows that life the last year has been anything but easy. I spent the better part of that year depressed, mad, scared, and angry.
But in the past few weeks God has been radically working on my heart. He has shaken the foundations of who I thought I was, and where I think I am going. Wasn't that nice of him? :)
So here I am, sitting in my rocker, listening to the baby cry because he doesn't want to go to bed, the 3 year old yelling at him to stop crying, the Lakers game my hubby is watching, hacking up a lung because of this dang virus; the not so simple life.
Perhaps I have been misled. Is life really about my happiness? My comfort? Making sure numero uno is always having a good time? Or is it about the fact that my crying baby has clean diapers and formula, the 3 year old has a warm bed and a love for her baby brother, my husband is sitting on the couch next to me sharing his love of basketball, and I live in a day and age where there are antibiotics and (praise God!) cough syrup with codine.
Because I have an amazing ability to have a "duh!" moment and then forget it, I am going to record my journey (good and bad) here. Your thoughts, admonitions, tears, and prays are welcomed and much appreciated. I will lay my heart before you in the hope that in some small way, my struggle to trust the one who gave me life will inspire you to do the same.
So remember my friends, although I do not subscribe to the "name it and claim it" way of thinking, your perspective most definitely matters.
Life is what you make of it.
"Blessed, not stressed." Pastor Judah

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