
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Talk it out Tuesday

In an effort to get myself blogging more regularly I am goint to start what I'll call "Talk it out Tuesday". Sometimes I imagine my brain like air traffic control. Thousands of plans clogging up air space with no where to land because I don't have time to direct them to a landing spot. So hopefully putting those random thoughts down here will clear my brain space a bit. Sometimes it will be purposeful, sometime not. Basically it will be the most random compilation of crap that floats through my brain but hey, maybe it will get me into a rythm:)

  • Emma broke her collar bone this last friday. She fel literally less than 2 feet off our ottoman. Being the parents of the year that we are we waited all the way until saturday evening to take her into the ER. Really, we were positive it was just a sore/strained neck. She wasn't acting weird, sobbing uncontrollably, she just acted stiff. WHen she woke up from her nap at 4 on Saturday Ricky tried to pull her off the top bunk and she broke into "the world is ending" tears. After begging us to just leave her in bed for 5 minutes I made the executive decision that it was time to get things looked at. Poor baby girl. She is now rocking a super sweet orthopaedic brace.

  • You know what's even worse than having your baby break her collar bone for the first time? Having it be the second. Yup, this would be clavicular fracture numero dos. It broke the first time at birth.

  • This pregnancy is so unlike my other two. I literally cannot find the mental or physical energy to do much beyond sit on the couch and cuddle with the kids until I have to get ready for work. I finally drag myself into the shower 45 minutes before we need to leave and somehow manage to make it to work on time. After working (trust me, it feels like a lot longer...) 5-6 hours I come home DONE with life and collaps back onto the couch until crawling into bed somehwere around 8. Unless it's Monday then I have to stay up and watch the Bachelor.

  • Speaking of the Bachelor, anyone else feel the need to slap Courtney? Or am I the only teenager that still gets sucked into this malarkey? ... maybe don't answer that.

  • My office was closed yesterday (presidents you rock) and I decided to take today off as well to make it a nice even 4 days off in a row. Bliss! However I have a feeling that it is really not in any way shape or form helping me to buckle down and keep working for the next few months. In fact I can prety confidently say that my need to be a stay at home mama fever has quadrupled since Friday. Oh well.

There you have it! Captivating, life changing; you're welcome.

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