
Friday, August 27, 2010

Happy little moments

My best childhood memory was an on-going "date" my Papa and I had. Since I spent many of my nights over at Nana and Papa's house, Papa would read to me every night while I was in bed. What did we read? The Chronicles of Narnia of course. He would read and read and read, and when he would say it was time for bed I would beg for just ONE more chapter.
Not only did we read at night, once a week we went out to breakfast. We would get up super early to go down to the Urban Onion before I went to school.
Our order never, ever changed. Papa: a triple tall no room americano. Me: vanilla steamer. Share: The most amazing apple pie you can possibly imagine (this is in fact the pie that Ricky and I shared for our wedding "cake".)Sean, our faithful waiter would have everything ready for us within minutes of seeing us park our little fannies in a seat. Add in a snooze inducing fire and Aslan...you have the perfect morning.

I probably don't have to tell you that the Chronicles of Narnia are and always will be on my top 5 list of favorite books largely because of the precious times with my Papa. When I found out that I was pregnant with Em I was so excited for the day when I could share these stories with her (and obviously now Eli:)

About 2 weeks ago I decided to start reading more than Green Eggs and Ham to the babes before they go to sleep. So of course I pulled down my trusty copies of C.S Lewis' masterpiece. I figured they would still be way over Em's head but that it would be fun (at least for me!) to try.

Poor Eli, he just doesn't have a chance! 4 pages in every night he is face down and drooling into his pillow. But Em has really surprised me. She sits totally still right next to me and LISTENS! Wonder of wonders. Not only does she listen, she actually asks questions. "Why did he shut the door mommy?" "Why did she say that?" "Why was that mean?"

Em doesn't even argure about bed time anymore. I think she is just as excited as I am to settle in and crack open the book. We are only reading one chapter a night at this point, and we have started with the Magician's Nephew.

I love that I now get to share my favorite stories with my favorite babies. And I would be lying if I said I didn't just burst a **little** bit with pride that my 3 year old listens, engages in, and understands the Chronicles of Narnia.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

No thanks, I got it.

Trust. Allowing someone else to be in cotrol. Relaxing. Not my strong points! I am much happier doing it all myself because then I KNOW things will work and everything will go to plan. And once I get things running smoothly don't you DARE suggest a change or express dissatisfaction. Because I will explode, most likely taking you out in the fireball of fury.
Problem: I am human. I don't know all and see all like I sometimes wish I could. I HAVE to trust God that he has it all in is hands and works all things together for his Glory. I misunderstand that verse on puprose a lot of times. His Glory can only come from the good, right? So wrong! Glory is more brilliant shining from the dark than from the sunshine of easy days.
Letting Ricky take the lead on things is SO hard for me. Suffice is to say that our views on financial issues and methods are so polar opposite that compromise can be excruciating to reach. If I really want to I can steam roll him, which is so wrong! There is no blessing or covering from God in that. I have to remind myself constantly that even if Ricky makes the wrond decision God will protect us if I am honoring my husband. Life is a learning process. My head knows what I should do, but my anxiety level screams "NO NO NO!!!! What is he DOING?"
So, stupid Hannah is tryng to cash in on the doulbe promise and blessing. Trust God: He knows, and he works it to his Glory (which will go good for me in the end. Trust the man I love: Right or wrong God will honor my obedience.

On a completly side note: Th rain that is sprinkling agains my window right now just makes the world seem oh so much better. Have a lovely day friends, He is working it out for the good of those who love him :)